Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a day!

Addi is doing great today. She was taken off her CPAP which is what helped her learn to breathe. She also was taken off the IV, as she's taking 25cc's of milk every 3 hours now. That's just a teaspoon less than a full ounce. We were able to see her face now that the CPAP is off. What a beautiful little princess!
Here's a picture for you. The piece above her nose will be removed when they are confident she won't need to have the CPAP again.

She gained another ounce today and is 2 lbs 11 ounces. That's just 2 ounces short of her birth weight.
Carrie was able to hold her against her chest today without as many tubes and Addi was so happy being snuggled up to her Mama.

1 comment:

Grow with Griffin said...

BEAUTIFUL~ Look at all of her hair! I can't wait to meet Miss Addison in person~