Friday, May 23, 2008

An exciting week!

Lots of great things happened this week. As of yesterday (Thursday) she weighed 2 lbs 12.9 oz. ALMOST her birth weight. Maybe today??? They took her off the caffeine they were giving her, which was the only medication she was receiving. So now she is literally just sleeping and eating. Our most favorite nurse, Stormy, let me try and bottle feed her yesterday. She didn't like it much. Life was much easier when you could sleep and eat at the same time. She did good though. Out of the 26 ml she ate 7-8 ml over the course of 30 minutes. Then we gave the rest through her feeding tube. Stormy said that was really good because the first time they usually only get 1-2 ml. We will continue to try this once a day until she gets really good at it.


Addi is always wide awake in the evenings when we visit.

The first time YaYa got to hold Addison.

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