Monday, May 26, 2008

3 Pounds Today!

Addi weighed 3.08 lbs today. YEA! They say now she will start growing like a weed. The doctors orders today was for her to try and breast feed for 15 minutes, then bottle feed (with her full 30 ml) for 15 minutes. She did GREAT! The nurse said she might not take much of her bottle after breast feeding, but she took the WHOLE thing. We were shocked. She must have been hungry. Afterwards she was out. She had the hiccups for a few minutes, then fell fast asleep.

We are a little concerned about a diaper rash she has. We are on her second medication for it. Today is was bleeding some. :( But, Nurse Stormy was going to take her diaper off this afternoon and put some oxygen on it to see if that helped. Hopefully it will go away soon.

The two other babies in the NICU are going home today and tomorrow. So...she will be the only one left. That's ok with us though - more attention for Addi :)

She loves to sleep with her legs crossed. :)

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