Saturday, November 29, 2008


Addison is officially on "the charts"! She went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and weighed in at 13 lbs (probably about 14 now) and came in at the 5th percentile. That may not seem like much, but for her that is GREAT! She is catching up. The doctor says by about age 2 she will be completely caught up with her peers. She is almost sitting up on her own. We started eating baby food about a week ago. It was so funny because the first time I tried to give it to her she just spit it out. I began to think she wasn't quite ready. But after about 2 days and 3-4 feedings, she had the hang of it. Now she eats SO MUCH. She can eat 2 veggies and 1/2 a fruit in one meal! Then, finish it off with a 6 ounce bottle. I've never had a baby before, but that seems like a lot. We are trying VERY hard to get her on a good sleeping pattern. Really, she would prefer to stay up all day (without any sort of nap) and go to bed at about 8 and wake up between 8 and 9. We've been going with that for a while now, but with me being home this week I've been able to get her to take a short nap in the morning, and about a 2 hour nap after lunch. I have LOVED being home with her this week. We haven't done much, which is what has made it nice. Just spending family time together. Eric is off this weekend so we are going to try and go see Santa! Thanksgiving was fabulous. We have so many things to be thankful for, but most of all our family. We ate dinner at YaYa and Dink's on Wednesday night, then at Nana and PaPaw's Thursday, then to see Poppy and LaLa. Addi got to see three sets of great grandparents this week. How cool is that? Our next goal is to move Addi to her bedroom, YIKES!!! I am SOOOO not ready. I'm telling myself after Christmas so I can mentally prepare myself. What will I do without her right next to me? I am afraid, however, if I don't do it soon I will regret it when she is old enough to fight it. I've had her picture taken twice since my last post. Here's what I got....
(p.s. I will post the other random photos from this month later - when I get around to getting them off my camera)
XMAS PICTURES - with Kylie and James (Addi's cousins)
Kylie Danielle
James William

Brother and Sister -

The girls and "Santa"

Isn't she a cute Christmas present?

All 3 kids - what do you expect for a photo with 3 kids under the age of 2?

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