Thursday, June 5, 2008

Addison is doing well these days. She now weighs 3 lbs 9.1 oz She had a couple of days where her weight went up and down, but it seems as though she is back on track gaining weight. She will be 4 pounds before we know it. Today the eye doctor was scheduled to come in and do an examination. We all pray that things will go fine and be as least uncomfortable for Addi as possible. She is now eating 3 times a day! WOW! Each time I feed her it seems as though she gets better and better. The doctor says everything looks great and the nurses have a great time dressing her in such cute little preemie clothes :)

Addison Kate Welborn
4 weeks old

My dad is getting so good at feeding me - Mommy will take advantage of this at all those 3 a.m. feedings :)

Baby Addison in her beautiful pink pajamas - Thanks Daniel and Lauren

1 comment:

Hope said...

Addi is beautiful :)! So glad to hear she is eating well and gaining. She will be home before you know it :)!!! Love all of her little outfits. Girls are so fun to dress :)! I will continue to keep your family in our prayers.

Loganville, GA