Monday, May 19, 2008

She is the favorite, I'm pretty sure :)

All the nurses LOVE Addi! Everytime I go into the NICU the nurses have done something new with my baby girl. I know I am partial, but I think they are too :)

We also had to take the opportunity to support our favorite college!

Today Addi weighed 2 lbs 11.3 oz. We are working towards her birth weight so they upped her food intake to 30 ml every 3 hours. She seems to be handling her feedings well. They also took her off her oxygen monitor which makes me a nervous wreck. They say they are confident she is breathing fine though. Other than that, not much change, which is a good thing. We are just waiting patiently for her to gain weight and grow. :) My favorite thing to do each day is hold her. I spend LOTS of time doing this.


carrie said...

hi mrs.welborn. your baby is really cute. we miss you at school and want you to come back. your baby is really small. it is crazy that she was born like 5 weeks early. you must be happy. i look at your website a lot to see the pictures you have put on there. there is a lot of them. i cant wait to see you.


Grow with Griffin said...

Look at all those cute bows! Miss Addie is a fashonista already!! I am so glad that she is gaining weight and slowly coming off of the different machines... In my prayers, Leslie

Anonymous said...

hi mrs.welborn
Addie is the cutest thing i have ever seen she is so precious and small we all miss you so so much we love you congrats


Anonymous said...

She's so precious and growing like crazy. It seems like just yesterday, Trinity was in the NICU. She'll be home before you know it. Trust me, I know. Congrats!!!

~Jairia Diggs